If you’re planning to visit Poland, you can learn and practice 23 essential Polish words and phrases here.
Starting in Polish 1 with greetings, you’ll learn to ask “Where is ….” questions in Polish 2
You are starting with greetings and polite phrases in Polish 1.
Arguably these are the most important words you want to practice: When you are in a foreign you should always use the local greetings. (Just think how you would feel to be greeted by a stranger in his/her language in YOUR country!)
And simple words like “please” or “thank you” will often get you a smile – even if your accent gives you away as a foreigner.
These eleven words and phrases are not that difficult to learn and remember. You could also write each on a card and review them at breakfast and dinner for a few days. Use the recording function to practice your pronunciation!
In Turkish 2 you can practice how to ask “Where is ….” questions.
The obvious challenge here is the very likelihood that you will hear a response in rapid Polsh that you won’t understand.
But it may also allow you to make a contact by asking a question politely – and possibly continue in a language that you and your contact both can communicate in.